Grand Design Solitude ST310GK
System Schematic

Basic Parts List

Installation Notes

This installation was completed in July of 2023.  The owner of this 5th wheel contacted me in 2022 regarding a possible installation and we worked out a system design, but due to circumstances out of the owner’s control we were not able to complete the system.  The owner contacted me again in 2023 to move forward with the system installation.  The RV already had two Battle Born 100 amp hour batteries and a BMV-712 battery monitor, but nothing else.  Originally, the owner wanted to start small and then grow the system over time.  We were originally going to use the existing two batteries, add two 365 watt solar panels and a Multiplus II 2×120.  This was intended to get the owner up and running with a system he could use and then expand later.  When the owner dropped his rigg off, he asked me to add a third solar panel, a third battery and a Cerbo GX with display to the system.  I was happy to add the additional equipment for him during the installation.

The system installation went fairly quickly due to the fact this was the seventh time I have installed a similar system in this particular Grand Design floor plan.  I really like this floor plan, both for its livability and for the available space it has for system installations.  The owner had made some minor modifications to the basement rear wall.  I took advantage of these existing modifications and incorporated them into the new installation.  This allowed for an access door in the rear basement wall that can be easily opened to get to the new equipment and other OEM equipment.

GD Solitude ST310GK